Thursday 8 December 2016

The Drowned Village of Llanwyddyn

As part of our work on rivers, we have learned the true story of Llanwyddyn.  It is a small village in Wales that was DROWNED to create a lake.  

The city of Liverpool was expanding rapidly in the late 1800s and they required a lot more water.  They looked to the Welsh valleys where they tried to find a river on which to build a dam.  They found the perfect spot along the River Vyrnwy, but it would result in the village of Llanwyddyn being drowned by the resultant lake.  To solve this, they re-built the town of Llanwyddyn further down the valley-new houses, a new church and even the dead bodies from the graves were moved!  The dam was built in 7 years and the water level rose quickly to create Lake Vyrnwy.  They then were able to bring the water to Liverpool through a network of pipes.    

Below is a video of what the old village of Llanwyddyn looks like at the bottom of Lake Vyrnwy.

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