Thursday 12 January 2017

The Romans

We've started to learn all about The Romans!  As you can imagine, this is a BIG topic where the kids will learn about The Roman Empire, Gladiators, Roman customs and traditions as well as learning all about modern-day Italy.  

To help us on our way, you can check out the 'Horrible Histories: Rotten Romans' clips on YouTube here

You can also explore what life was like in Ancient Rome through this BBC Education link.  

Lastly, check out the following links on different areas of The Romans:

Lines and Angles

We have started learning how to draw different angles using rulers and protractors.  The kids have identified the kinds of jobs that use these skills i.e. engineers, architects etc.  

We have been using this game to test our understanding of angles!

Click the link below and GIVE IT A GO!!

Thursday 15 December 2016

A sneaky peek for tomorrow...!

A sneaky look at questions for tomorrow's fractions quiz !

5/9 (five-ninths) of a number is 35.  What is the number?

A family ate 5/12 (five-twelfths) of a melon each day.  How many melons did they eat in a week?

Good luck!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Do you remember...!?

Today's question has two parts:
a) Which type of pollution causes the most deaths every day?
b) The vast majority of these deaths occur in ______ - ______ countries.

Good luck! 👍

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Do you remember...!?

What were Huw and Cerys's parents names in our story on Lake Vyrnwy and the village of Llanwyddyn?

Monday 12 December 2016

Do you remember...!?

Today, Ger told us to include 3 things when creating online passwords.
One was including letters, but what were the other two things?

Thursday 8 December 2016

The Drowned Village of Llanwyddyn

As part of our work on rivers, we have learned the true story of Llanwyddyn.  It is a small village in Wales that was DROWNED to create a lake.  

The city of Liverpool was expanding rapidly in the late 1800s and they required a lot more water.  They looked to the Welsh valleys where they tried to find a river on which to build a dam.  They found the perfect spot along the River Vyrnwy, but it would result in the village of Llanwyddyn being drowned by the resultant lake.  To solve this, they re-built the town of Llanwyddyn further down the valley-new houses, a new church and even the dead bodies from the graves were moved!  The dam was built in 7 years and the water level rose quickly to create Lake Vyrnwy.  They then were able to bring the water to Liverpool through a network of pipes.    

Below is a video of what the old village of Llanwyddyn looks like at the bottom of Lake Vyrnwy.